BrainHub Polyclinic Dubai UAE


Javad Salehi Fadardi

Prof. Javad Salehi Fadardi, Ph.D.

Claremont Graduate University, California, USA.

Dr. Javad Salehi Fadardi, Ph.D. in Psychology, is Emeritus Professor of Psychology from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and is currently a Full Professor at the School of Community and Global Health, Claremont Graduate University, California, USA. His research and clinical practice focuses on helping people overcome unhealthy habits and develop healthy lifestyles. He has also been a consultant psychologist for several national and international projects and organizations. He developed the first technological intervention (ACTP) to help people with strong unhealthy habits improve their treatment success and reduce relapse rates. He is a pioneer in developing the Life Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP) and cognitive assessments and interventions relevant to health-related behaviors and habits such as alcohol and substance use, obesity, depression, and anxiety. Dr. Fadardi has conducted several international projects and workshops to improve mental health. He has extensive experience working directly with clients in clinical settings and has 25 years of clinical experience treating various mental health problems. His widely published work on motivation and attention has resulted in several book chapters, treatment manuals, and more than 170 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Appetite, Psychopharmacology, and many others. He has conducted laboratory and clinical studies that can be scaled up for critical public health issues.

Seven of his sample publications (out of over 130) concerning motivational and cognitive interventions are as follows:

Fadardi, J.S., Memarian, S., Parkinson, J., Cox, WM., Stacy, A.W. (2023). Scary in the eye of the beholder? Attentional Bias and Attention Retraining in Social Anxiety. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 19 (157), 141-151.
Mellentin, A. I., Cox, W. M., Fadardi, J. S., Martinussen, L., Mistarz, N., Skøt, L., Rømer Thomsen, K., Mathiasen, K., Lichtenstein, M., & Nielsen, A. S. (2021). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Attentional Control Training for Treating Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 748848.
Fadardi, J. S., Borhani, S., Cox, W. M., & Stacy, A. W. (2022). Do I Really Want to Change? The Effectiveness of Goal Ambivalence Feedback on Dieters’ Motivation. Behavioral Sciences, 12(11), 441.
Fakhri, M. A., Fadardi, S. J., Kimiaee, S. A., & Kareshki, H. (2022). The Role of Motivational Structure and Executive Function in Attractive Alternative Temptations. Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, 29(4), 517-530.
Cox, W. M., Fadardi, J. S., Hosier, S. G., & Pothos, E. M. (2015). Differential effects and temporal course of attentional and motivational training on excessive drinking. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23(6), 445-454.
Fadardi, J. S., Shoorcheh, M. R., & Nemati, M. (2011). A Comparison of Motivational Structure and Eating Behaviors between Overweight and Obese and Normal Weight Women. The Quarterly Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 13(2), 170-181.
Fadardi, J. S., Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2006). Life Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP): A Self-Help Manual for Reducing Need to Drink. Bangor University: Unpublished treatment manual.

Workshops on LEAP

Fadardi, J.S. (2022, February). Life Enrichment and Advancement Program for Mentors, The Community Translational Research Institute, Riverside, California.
Fadardi, J.S. (2020, October-December). Life Enrichment and Advancement Program for Non-Psychologists, Calgary Towhid Centre, Canada.
Fadardi, J. S. & Cox, W.M. (2017, April). Life Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP): A Motivational Restructuring Technique for Reducing Need to Use Substances. Workshop delivered at Dubai, UAE.
Fadardi, J. S. (2015, March). Motivational Structure and Life Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP). Workshop delivered at the University of Houston, USA.
Fadardi, J.S. (2012, June). Motivational Model of Successful Marriage. Workshop delivered at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
Fadardi, J. S. (2011, June). LEAP Motivational Restructuring. Workshop delivered at Pouyesh Center for Marital and Family Counseling, Mashhad.
Fadardi, J. S. (2009, May). Motivational Structure and Life Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP). Workshop delivered at Isfahan University, Isfahan.
Fadardi, J. S. (2008, March). Motivational Structure and Life Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP). Workshop delivered at University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.


2006-2016 Licensed to Practice Psychologist (C.Psychol., British Psychological Society)
2007-present Chartered Scientist (CSci, British Psychological Society)
2008-present Licensed to Practice Psychologist (Iranian Wellbeing Organization, Iran)
2009-present Licensed to Practice Psychologist (Iranian Psychological Association)
2021 Licensed (advanced) Life Coach (North America)

Prof. Fadardi's expertise includes:

1 +

Clinical Experience

1 +

Peer-reviewed publications

1 +
Language Mastery

What is the Life Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP)?

The Life Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP) is a transformative initiative designed to empower individuals to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. Through a holistic approach that integrates personal development, skill-building, and goal-setting, LEAP fosters growth across various facets of life, including professional, academic, and personal domains. Participants engage in a dynamic curriculum that encompasses workshops, seminars, coaching sessions, and experiential learning activities tailored to cultivate resilience, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. With a focus on fostering a supportive community and fostering a growth mindset, LEAP equips individuals with the tools, resources, and mindset needed to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and thrive in an ever-evolving world.