BrainHub Polyclinic Dubai UAE


The importance of quality sleep and how it can be achieved

the importance of quality sleep

Dr Mohammad Nami of Canadian University Dubai and the Medical/Clinical Neuroscience Director Board Member (UAE) of BrainHub UAE PolyClinic highlights the importance of quality sleep on the website.


Sleep is a fundamental pillar of our health, wellness and overall quality of life. Poor sleep can lead to a wide range of issues, from mild fatigue to chronic diseases. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around one in three adults do not get enough sleep. Nevertheless, there are actions that we can take in our daily routine to improve our quality of sleep and promote general wellbeing.


The impact of sleep deprivation

A lack of sleep affects mood, cognitive function, and decision-making. It can lead to obesity and metabolic disorders due to disrupted hormones, and can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to illness. Long-term sleep deprivation has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and mental health disorders, including neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease.

Common sleep issues

Sleep disorders manifest in a number of ways. The most common are:

  • Insomnia – difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Sleep Apnea and disordered breathing – Breathing interruptions during sleep.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome – Uncontrollable leg movements that disrupt sleep.
  • Narcolepsy –  Excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden sleep attacks.

Excessive Sleep Disorder


The role of nutrition

Nutrition has an important role to play in our quality of sleep. Some foods are known to help us fall and stay asleep more easily, while certain eating habits can have a negative impact on our capacity for sleep. Foods that promote sleep include, kiwi, almonds, and turkey. Foods like sugary snacks, heavy, spicy meals, and caffeine products are best avoided before bedtime.


Supplements for Sleep

Natural sleep aids and herbal supplements have been found to provide a positive impact on sleep quality. Melatonin is a hormone that can help regulate sleep-wake cycles, while Valerian Root is a herbal remedy that can deliver mild sedative effects. A magnesium supplement may help relax muscles and reduce anxiety to promote more restful sleep.

Sleep Health Clinic in Dubai UAE

Tips for better sleep

There are several actions we can take to promote a better quality of sleep.

  • Create a schedule and routine: Establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Create a bedtime routine that involves relaxing activities like reading or taking a warm bath.
  • Maintain a comfortable sleep environment: Sleep in a dark, cool, and quiet room and invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows.
  • Limit exposure to screens before bed: Blue light from screens interferes with melatonin production. Use blue light filters on devices or limit screen time before bed.
  • Watch your diet and exercise: Avoid caffeine and heavy meals near to bedtime. Take regular exercise but avoid intense workouts before bed. (Best Brain Foods That Improve Memory)
  • Tap into the benefits of short power naps: Take short naps (20-30 minutes) to help boost alertness and mood.
  • Manage your stress: Use relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to optimize your state of mind before bed.
  • Explore Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I): Take a structured, multicomponent approach to achieving quality sleep with CBT-I.
  • Consult a sleep healthcare professional: For moderate to severe sleep disorders patients can explore a broader range of therapies with a sleep medicine specialist.

Our 24/7 work culture has compounded sleep issues in recent years, and yet quality sleep is a cornerstone of workplace productivity, as well as overall wellness. Sleep should be prioritized for us to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Working with sleep specialists and adopting good sleep practices can have a profound impact on overall well-being.

Related article: Sleep Disorder Types: Common Sleep Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

The Value of Sleep Health in the Workplace

In a separate article on, Dr. Mohammad Nami from Canadian University Dubai and a Board Member serving as the Medical/Clinical Neuroscience Director at Brainhub UAE Polyclinic, emphasizes the advantages of quality sleep.

Quality sleep is vital to personal health and well-being, and it also has a crucial role to play in the business world. The effects of sleep on job performance and workplace productivity mean that a workforce with poor sleep health can damage business profitability.

value of sleep health in the workplace


Work-related stress and sleep issues

The rise of the 24/7 work culture, driven by technology and globalisation, has brought about a trend that promotes constant availability, impacting work-life balance and contributing to work-related stress. This “always-on” mentality can cause or exacerbate sleep issues and heighten the risk of burnout.

It’s not just the number of hours but also the quality of sleep that matters for optimal work performance. Disorders that affect sleep quality, such as insomnia and sleep apnea, are increasingly common in modern society.



The cost of poor sleep

The US Centers for Disease Control has reported that sleep deprivation costs the American economy 1.2 million working days and over $400 billion each year. Poor sleep can lead to daytime fatigue, reduced alertness, slow reaction times, and decreased creativity in the workplace. It also impacts physical health, contributing to conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, which increases absenteeism and escalates healthcare costs for employers.

Sleep health is a critical factor in business leadership. Sleep deprivation impacts cognitive functions, including decision-making, problem-solving, and memory, which are vital workplace skills for managers. Poor business decisions can ultimately affect an organisation’s bottom line.


Solutions for employers and employees

Tackling sleep issues can be a practical cost-saving strategy for businesses. Employers can take measures to promote quality of sleep within their workforce through initiatives like flexible scheduling, offering mental health support, and implementing corporate wellness programs. Additionally, companies can educate employees about sleep hygiene and encourage them to prioritise self-care to improve their sleep quality.

While technology is an enabler of the 24/7 work culture, it can also offer solutions to support rather than hinder sleep when used wisely.

Employees can consciously redefine their relationship with their electronic devices to use tools like sleep-tracking apps and digital well-being features.


Balancing work and sleep for success

A well-rested workforce is more than a matter of employee welfare; it is also a strategic business asset. Employers need to instigate the shift to a workplace culture that values sleep as a tool for individual and business success. Finding the right balance between work and sleep will be vital to achieving long-term productivity in the modern workplace.

A Spotlight on Sleep Health | Insights from CUD’s Professor on Dubai Eye Radio Station

Dr nami


November 30th, 2023 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Essential to health, well-being, and the overall quality of life, is sleep health. Dr. Mohammad Nami, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuropsychology in the Department of Social Sciences, at Canadian University Dubai, provided expert insights about sleep health during an interview with Helen Farmer on Dubai Eye 103.8. He shone a spotlight on the importance of sleep health, the dire consequences of insufficient sleep, and some key suggestions to enhance sleep quality.

dr nami

Dr. Nami stated: “Quality sleep is central to every aspect of our lives – health, happiness, and success. Without sleep, it is difficult, if not impossible to function optimally.”

Dr. Nami expressed concerns about a potential ‘global sleep crisis’, arising from the pressures of a competitive lifestyle, constant activities, and a 24/7 work culture, driven by developments in technology and globalization. Outlining that many individuals find themselves in the pursuit of ‘keeping up’ with life’s demands, often sacrificing the quality of sleep. The prevalence of our ‘always-on’ culture has intensified sleep-related challenges. He discussed the cognitive and physical health results from inadequate sleep which can result in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, memory lapses, reduced alertness, and poor decision-making abilities.

He emphasized that establishing a sleep routine consistent with a sleep-wake pattern is crucial. Additional suggestions are to create a comfortable sleep environment, avoid technology and screen time, and late-night meals.

dr nami

Dr. Nami said: “Listen to your body. People are different in terms of sleep needs. The average person requires 6-8 hours of sleep in a 24-hour cycle. If you’re experiencing sleep disturbances like insomnia or sleep apnea, collaborate with a sleep healthcare professional to identify the cause of the sleep issue.”

dr nami

He continued: “Be a good friend to sleep. Contribute to the well-being of your brain and body through quality sleep health. Prioritizing the quality of sleep is fundamental to our overall well-being, which is crucial to living a healthy and successful life.”

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