BrainHub Polyclinic Dubai UAE


Movement Disorders Clinic

Movement Disorders, often misunderstood or misinterpreted, encompass a range of conditions that affect an individual’s ability to move smoothly and naturally.


Understanding Movement Disorders

Movement Disorders, often misunderstood or misinterpreted, encompass a range of conditions that affect an individual’s ability to move smoothly and naturally. These disorders can manifest in various forms, from tremors and rigidity to reduced mobility and coordination. The impact on daily life can be profound, hindering one’s independence and quality of life.

Common Movement Disorders Types

Identifying Symptoms and Causes

Symptoms of Movement Disorders

  • Tremors: Involuntary shaking during movement or at rest.

  • Bradykinesia: Slowed movement and difficulty initiating voluntary movements.

  • Muscle Rigidity: Stiffness in muscles, making it challenging to move smoothly.

Causes of Movement Disorders

Movement Disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic mutations, brain injuries, certain medications, or underlying neurodegenerative conditions. Understanding the root cause is crucial in tailoring an effective treatment plan.

Our Specialized Approach

At BrainHub, we blend cutting-edge neuroscience with compassion to offer a unique spectrum of services focused on addressing Movement Disorders. Our expert team, led by M. Nami, MD, PhD, a distinguished Clinical Neuroscience Director, is dedicated to providing innovative solutions for optimal brain health and improved mobility.

Treatment for Movement Disorders

Our individualized treatment plans may include a combination of therapies such as physical and occupational therapy, medication management, and lifestyle adjustments. We prioritize non-drug solutions to enhance your mobility and overall well-being.

Our Specialized Approach

At BrainHub, we blend cutting-edge neuroscience with compassion to offer a unique spectrum of services focused on addressing Movement Disorders. Our expert team, led by M. Nami, MD, PhD, a distinguished Clinical Neuroscience Director, is dedicated to providing innovative solutions for optimal brain health and improved mobility.

Treatment for Movement Disorders

Our individualized treatment plans may include a combination of therapies such as physical and occupational therapy, medication management, and lifestyle adjustments. We prioritize non-drug solutions to enhance your mobility and overall well-being.

Embrace a Life in Motion with BrainHub

Discover a new world of movement and regain control of your life. BrainHub’s Movement Disorders Clinic is your ally on the journey to improved mobility and a brighter future. Take the first step toward a more vibrant life—reach out to us today.

Learn More about BrainHub

Explore how we’re revolutionizing brain health at BrainHub Polyclinic. Our holistic approach encompasses Memory and Cognition, Mental Illnesses, Sleep Disorders, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Behavioral and Mood Disorders, and Neuro-disabilities. Let’s shape a future where optimal brain health enriches every aspect of your life.

It is time to empower your brain.

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We are a Brain Health polyclinic based in Dubai. 

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